Red Door Dance Studio
Zooming ONLINE Classes AND IN-PERSON Group Classes
in Brentwood and Livermore!
Private Lessons and coaching available
(925) 766-1478

Specialty Classes
Trance Dance with Toni Louie
January 25
6pm to 8pm
Trance Dance is a communal, self-explorative process of being inspired to move from within. Movers will use everyday movements in order to connect with, and greater understand feelings and sensations on a conscious and subconsious level.
With an ever-growing repertoire in movement- a student of Dance Movement Therapy as well as Classic and Tribal Fusion Belly Dance, as well as Shamanic Trance Dance, Toni is uniquely able to facilitate physical empowerment, self-awareness and healing using the whole-mind and body conditioning principles.
Please contact Toni at (323) 439-3899 for more information
Trance Dance on Jan 25 will be held at Red Door Dance Studio, 817 First St, Bentwood, CA 94513
$20 at the door, or through PayPal at raqstiki@outlook.com (please note which class you are paying for when going through PayPal)